Sunday, March 10, 2013

Art Class: Straw Draw

It's been a super busy week, I can't believe I did Art Class on Monday.  I kind of threw this one together (sh, don't tell).  It ended up being a fun little drawing activity.  With some interesting results.

Lady J's variation on a theme

Lady E in the zone
 I originally started out with trays of watered down soapy paint.  I've seen this done in pictures so I thought I'd give it a go.  It didn't work out so well.  I think I needed more paint.  So I switched gears and had the ladies to straw drawings instead.

This technique, very technical, involves drops of watery paint on a piece of paper and then blowing on it really hard with a straw.

We had so much fun, and extra time, that I had them do two.  Here's what we ended up with.

Lady J's second drawing.  I think this one is my favorite.

Sorry, I forgot to turn this before loading it.  The green is supposed to be on the bottom.
So there we are!  Another successful day of making some art.  Best of all, both kids slept through the whole time, so I didn't have to juggle!  (It's the little things in life).

Lady Chan


  1. That's really cool. When are you going to post about your closing/new house? Is it over? Are you in?

  2. House pictures to be posted as soon as I have keys in my hand! I don't want to jinx anything. :)
