Friday, December 26, 2014
Christmas 2014
Always a busy week before Christmas but full of fun, food, family and friends. First up...The Kid's 4th Birthday!
Friday, December 12, 2014
They're here! The ornaments have arrived! I'm so glad I started this tradition. And quite frankly, shocked it's still going strong.
Monday, November 17, 2014
To The Redwood Forrest
Behold! Yonder forrest nymph there be! Haha. Ok, enough of that. Lady Chan and The Man went on an actual vacation! To see the Redwoods. A bucket list for the both of us. It was everything we were hoping for. And we're dying to go back!
*Disclaimer: tons of pictures...brace yourselves...
*Disclaimer: tons of pictures...brace yourselves...
Friday, November 14, 2014
Halloween Roundup
Lots of Halloween activities this year! It was so much fun!!! The kids were really getting into it. Though I think the kids would've been just happy playing on the tire swing in our friends front yard.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Halloween Time!
I always forget how much I LOVE THE FALL! The mornings are cold. The air feels different. It smells different. One could argue it's the smell of things dying but...that would be kind of morbid to say. Hm.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Lots of stuff happening at home. Well, not LOTS, but busy stuff. Lots of busy and back-breaking stuff. Can I use that as my excuse for not blogging as much?
Home Projects,
New House
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Little Lady Turned 2!
Is it totally indecent that she isn't wearing any clothes? I can't help it! The thermometer reading in our house is averaging in the eighties for the last 5 months. And we don't have A/C.
Little Lady,
Little Lady Birthday,
Monday, September 22, 2014
World's Longest Update!
I kept trying to get a post in for July. And then August. And then what's happened to September?! It's nearly over! This will be my attempt to bring us all up to speed. Brace yourselves!
Art Class,
Home Projects,
New House,
The Chan Home,
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
4th of July Weekend
I hope everyone had a delightful 4th of July Weekend. Ours was surprisingly really low-key and relaxing. The kids were actually behaving for us!
Home Projects,
New House,
The Chan Home,
Friday, June 27, 2014
Week in Review
I know food really isn't much of a BIG event...wait a second. Yes it IS! Making dinner seems to be a special occasion lately (it's too hot to cook!) so I'm adding it to my week review anyway.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Kitchen Happenings
The kitchen is slowly coming along. I'm talking molasses slow. Nevertheless, I must count the smallest improvements as progress. Otherwise I'd go crazy. Here it is in pictures!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Omi on a Bike
I add these to the blog as evidence that my mother can still ride a bike. In my lifetime I have only seen this a couple of times. And that was a while ago.
Lady Chan
Memorial Day Weekend
I'm slacking I know! But here's some pictures from Memorial Day Weekend. It was a quick trip to Omi and Papa's cabin. We took a quick detour into 'town' for a car show that was happening.
Memorial Day,
Turkey Creek
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Cheese-Its and Omi
Happy random Tuesday! I thought I'd post something food-ish. It's been awhile. I made Cheese-Its! Another Pinterest find. (I think the original site for the recipe is on FrugalGirls or something like that).
Moving onward with the nevery-ending kitchen story. We have a shelf! As of last week. There should be another one but we used more brackets than originally planned (those darn studs...never where we want them to be). So I ordered more brackets today. Keeping my fingers crossed we'll have the second shelf up later this week.
Mother's Day 2014
Happy Mother's Day (last week)!!! I know...I'm falling behind here on the bloggy blog. So here's how it went....
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Le Boudoir
We got a bed frame! Finally! I feel so civilized when I sleep now. We used to have the mattresses on this frame thingy that was just holding up the bed, with some casters. Why am I not thinking of the name? Surely it has a name. Anyway, whatever it was it was really squeaky...if you coughed it'd make noise. So we just classed it up by putting the box spring and mattress on the floor.
Home Projects,
New House,
Potty Training,
The Chan Home
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
We haven't done much for the outside of our house yet...obviously. I cringe every time I see the siding on the house gone. I want it fixed. But I also want it done free. Thus an unfinished house that looks super GHETTO.
Home Projects,
Kid Pictures,
New House
Monday, April 21, 2014
Easter 2014
Happy Easter! I hope everyone enjoyed the festivities. We sure did. Though from the above picture it looks like my kids are kind of looking zonked. It was actually a difficult picture to take because they would NOT sit still for longer than two seconds. So this is as close to a 'family' picture as I got this year.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Mid-Month Happenings
Happy April Everyone! It's weird how during a week-day afternoon I actually think, "I'm bored, the kids are bored, what am I going to do?" When that happens things like this happen.
Kids Craft,
Potty Training,
The Kid
Monday, April 7, 2014
Home Projects,
Sister's Weekend,
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Glorious 4
Happy 4th Anniversary Husband! So far so good!
Lady Chan
Thanks for letting me go to Sister's Weekend on our're a champ!
Birthday Extravaganza!
Happy Birthday My Main Squeeze (two days ago...)!! We celebrated by attacking a new DIY project: tile backsplash! I know...we're pretty crazy over here.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Family Welcome Here Part II
My brother Jakob and his son Brandon came for a visit last week. They were very happy to be in the warm California sun. Very warm.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Family Welcome Here
A warning to all family: if you come for a prepared for invitations to 'help' out at our house.
Double Your Pleasure
So I thought we were done with February. But February wasn't done with us. This is what she gave us on the last day of the month. Yay!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
All in a Frebruary
So February...that was a fast month! I'm still kinda breathless. Here it is in all it's picture randomness.
Friday, January 31, 2014
A Horse is a Horse of Course
Happy Chinese New Year!! Goodbye Dragon, Hello Horse! We had dinner with all our favorite people at our go-to Chinese restaurant. (Pam and Jason's, but it's actually got a real name...I can't remember). Actually we celebrated a day early, but who's counting? Is that considered bad luck?? Hope not.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
A Very Merry Un-Un Birthday!
I generally don't go crazy for birthdays. It's kind of silly really. But...that doesn't stop me from having a good time and using it as an excuse to not have to do any number of things big or small. "Darling, could you get up out of bed and turn off the light for's my birthday." Like that.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
More Garage-ness
I'm so proud of The Man. We've been learning lots as new home-owners, but I think The Man has born the brunt of the learning curve.
Monday, January 6, 2014
First Day of (Pre) School!
Woohoo! The Kid is all (sniff sniff) grown up. Sort of. It is just preschool but still. He's gone for three hours Monday and Wednesday only.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
The Heat is On!
No. More. Space heaters. Yippee!!! Happy New Year to us! We had a new (I mean, seriously updated...I think they found toe nail clippings from T-Rex in the old furnace) heating system installed!
Yes, I am using a lot of exclamation points! That's how much of a wus I am and hate being cold!
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