Lady Chan is now in possession of a 3 year old. The Man and I are hoping that 3 will be a calmer year for The Kid. Here's to hoping. We celebrated Sunday night with his grandparents actually being able to make it and not having to celebrate on a day other than his birth-day.
So the garage. We did some stuff. This is a before picture. The floor looks a little darker than it really is. We had just washed it. It was the first-ish step before we acid stained it. Yep. ACID STAINED OUR GARAGE FLOOR, BOO-YA!
The Grandparents Chan came for a visit, hooray! They finally got to see their newest granddaughter. And get an up close and personal look at exactly how active The Kid really is.
Okay I'm ready to announce this thing. IT'S OFFICIAL!!! We are now HOME OWNERS!! And that's a lot of caps lock going on. I'm not sure I used that much for baby announcing. What's that say about me I wonder. Don't answer that.
We had class yesterday! We drew butterfly's (or a ladybug) on one side of a paper with an oil pastel and then folded the paper and rubbed it for a 'mirrored' transfer.
It's been a super busy week, I can't believe I did Art Class on Monday. I kind of threw this one together (sh, don't tell). It ended up being a fun little drawing activity. With some interesting results.
Girl's Weekend/Sister's Weekend 2013!!! Last year was a blast but the MB couldn't make it. This year I couldn't make it but it sounded great! I wish I was there. The MB mentioned next year should be in Hawaii. I think all are in favor for that one, so long as she's buying.
We decided to be brave parents and take our kids out. It's always an adventure. An extremely exhausting adventure but...the adults need to get out sometimes!
Not just for babies, but for Senior Citizens as well!
I mentioned to The Man that my mother is a dork. He asked why and I said, "Where do I start?" He then said, "Start with the most recent and work your way back." Oh I do love my husband.
Hope everyone had a Happy Love Day. We were all feeling the love over at our place. Especially Little Lady. Outfit compliments of Omi. She just can't stop herself! (And who am I to tell her otherwise??)
Happy (Chinese) New Year!! We have now begun the year of the snake. And to ring in the new year we met with a few friends and family to eat...Chinese food!