Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas!!!  I trust everyone had a great one.  Ours was simple and chaotic all wrapped in to one wonderful day.  

Monday, December 23, 2013

Yippee Look Who's Three!!

Lady Chan is now in possession of a 3 year old.  The Man and I are hoping that 3 will be a calmer year for The Kid.  Here's to hoping.  We celebrated Sunday night with his grandparents actually being able to make it and not having to celebrate on a day other than his birth-day.  

Monday, December 16, 2013


So the garage.  We did some stuff.  This is a before picture.  The floor looks a little darker than it really is.  We had just washed it.  It was the first-ish step before we acid stained it.  Yep.  ACID STAINED OUR GARAGE FLOOR, BOO-YA!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Home, Sweet Home

It's official.  WE HAVE MOVED IN TO OUR HOUSE!!!  

Friday, April 19, 2013

Grandpa and Grandma Chan Came to Visit!!

The Grandparents Chan came for a visit, hooray!  They finally got to see their newest granddaughter.  And get an up close and personal look at exactly how active The Kid really is.

Art Class: Book Binding (Part 1 of 2)

Our newest student, Lady S

Classes have resumed from the Spring Break for the kids.  So we're back!  And I decided to introduce book binding.  

Happy 100!

I just saw that this will be my 100th blog post.  To celebrate I've decided to post about food.  Because I like food.  A lot.  

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Home Sweet Home

 Okay I'm ready to announce this thing.  IT'S OFFICIAL!!!  We are now HOME OWNERS!!  And that's a lot of caps lock going on.  I'm not sure I used that much for baby announcing.  What's that say about me I wonder.  Don't answer that.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Look Who's 6 Months!

My Little Lady is 6 months old!  My, my how time flies.  I know it sounds so cliche but I swear it seems as if we just brought her home.

Art Class: 3D Hands

Lady A...she was being camera shy

For Art Class on Monday we did 3D hands.  Sort of 3D anyway.  I'm not sure I knew the assignment well enough to 'teach' it, but we had fun anyway.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Art Class: Rub Transfer Drawing Thingy's

We had class yesterday!  We drew butterfly's (or a ladybug) on one side of a paper with an oil pastel and then folded the paper and rubbed it for a 'mirrored' transfer.  

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I Can't Help Myself

Look who's diggin' the jumper!!!  I put her in it a month or so ago and she (or her head) wasn't quite ready for it.

Lady Chan

Getting our Greens

This is about as far as my motivation goes for St. Patrick's Day.  At least for now.  Sometimes I surprise even myself with last minute holiday spirit.  

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Art Class: Straw Draw

It's been a super busy week, I can't believe I did Art Class on Monday.  I kind of threw this one together (sh, don't tell).  It ended up being a fun little drawing activity.  With some interesting results.

Girl's Weekend

Girl's Weekend/Sister's Weekend 2013!!!  Last year was a blast but the MB couldn't make it.  This year I couldn't make it but it sounded great!  I wish I was there.  The MB mentioned next year should be in Hawaii.  I think all are in favor for that one, so long as she's buying.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Saturday Excursion-The Zoo

We decided to be brave parents and take our kids out.  It's always an adventure.  An extremely exhausting adventure but...the adults need to get out sometimes!

The Gym - Part 2

Not just for babies, but for Senior Citizens as well!   

I mentioned to The Man that my mother is a dork.  He asked why and I said, "Where do I start?"  He then said, "Start with the most recent and work your way back."  Oh I do love my husband.    

Lady Chan

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day

Hope everyone had a Happy Love Day.   We were all feeling the love over at our place.  Especially Little Lady.  Outfit compliments of Omi.  She just can't stop herself! (And who am I to tell her otherwise??)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Art Class: Creepy Castles

I started up art class again after a few months hiatus.  Actually we started last week (Monday's again) but I forgot to take pictures.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Happy (Chinese) New Year!!  We have now begun the year of the snake.  And to ring in the new year we met with a few friends and family to eat...Chinese food!  

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Home Away From Home


Yes.  We went again (1-31-13).  Because we are gluttons for punishment AND because we love this place.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Gym

Let me just start by saying that I have the greatest Dad ever.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Any Given Thursday

Three guesses where we went last Thursday.  (That would be January 10th...don't get me started).  I love random trips to this place!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Christmas Day in Review

Happy New Year!! This post is kind of late in coming.  Better late than never!  We had a great holiday and hoping for many more as our family grows.